Soundtrack To

On Soundtrack To, I post clips of songs accompanied with a description of a hypothetical movie scene I imagine that song to act as the soundtrack to. I also use this platform to showcase up-and-coming artists to expand their exposure. This project combines digital design, storytelling, and great music.


“Zinnias” by Clairo

Soundtrack to: The protagonist leaves dinner with their parents, after just being told they’re selling their childhood home. Memories abound!


“Fireworks” by Mitski

Soundtrack to: The protagonist walks home late one summer night, takeout container in one hand, annotated copy of a Vonnegut book in the other. It was a gift, but they’ll never read it.


“Pressure to Party” by Julia Jacklin

Soundtrack to: the protagonist, after a slightly devastating break up, tries to make themself feel better by making themselves their favorite dinner and playing music really loud. It works, but only for a few hours.